
Joggle Logo Animation


Your time-saving AI marketing assistant

Let Joggle plan, create and upload your social and marketing, saving you hours every week.

And all for just £12 per month. Get your 14-day free trial now

Small businesses and AI

How Joggle helps small businesses

Takes the hassle out of marketing

Gives clear, tailored advice and planning, like having an AI marketing assistant on demand.

Helps you do more with less effort

Writes and posts blogs, social content, emails and more for you, saving time and energy.

Simple, easy and quick to use

Learns about your business, creates ideas, finds images for you, and makes content effortless.

Saves you £££ on outsourcing

Removes the need to hire anybody for web text, social media or video creation – at a fraction of the cost.

Hi - how can your AI marketing assistant help you, today?

Who is using Joggle?

From pubs and cafes, shops, beauty salons, PR consultants and many more.

Joggle is already trusted by 1,000+ UK small businesses to handle important yet time consuming day-to-day tasks.

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From pubs and cafes, to shops, beauty salons, PR consultants and many more.

Joggle is already trusted by 1,000+ UK small businesses to handle important yet time-consuming day-to-day tasks.

How It Works

Get your 14-day free trial

Sign up with your company details, links to your website and social media to get your account set up.

Choose your AI marketing assistant

Joggle has assistants for social media, image creation, video creation, and a writing tool for blogs, emails, web pages and more.

Start saving time

If you need a social media plan, a video for your website, text for your next brochure or customer service emails, Joggle is on the case saving you time!

Meet your Joggle AI marketing assistant.

Join 1,000+ UK small business owners using Joggle to free up their time, today!

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